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Our newsletter guarantees customer satisfaction

NEWS 13.3.2019 0.00

According to our customer satisfaction survey, the most content to our communication were the customers who had subscribed our newsletter (only in Finnish). Ensure that you also have the current information and you stay up-to-date about unemployment insurance contributions and the Incomes Register.

Being an unemployment insurance contributions newsletter subscriber, you will receive current information on amount of the unemployment insurance contributions, payment liability, system improvements and possible amendments to the law. The newsletter is published 4 to 8 times a year. In addition, current news can be read on our website.

You can find us also on Twitter and LinkedIn. Apart from important news, we share our everyday life as members of the Employment Fund in social media.

Keep your contact information up-to-date

In special situations, we send customer-targeted messages via email or text message. Make sure that your contact information is correct in our online customer service. This way you can be confirmed that current message, concerning specially you, will reach you.