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Switching from Katso authorisation to Suomi.fi authorisation

NEWS 13.10.2020 12.15

The Katso service and the authorisation used to access the service will be retired from use on 31 December 2020. If you are using Katso authorisation, be sure to make the switch to the corresponding Suomi.fi authorisation by the end of the year.

If you are not personally handling your or your company’s unemployment insurance contributions, you can authorise another person or party in Suomi.fi to act on your behalf. You can also request authorisation to act on behalf of someone else. The authorisation is needed to access the online service for unemployment insurance contributions.

If you have already granted or requested the necessary authorisation in Suomi.fi, you do not need to obtain a new authorisation

Granting and requesting Suomi.fi authorisation

  1. Go to https://www.suomi.fi/e-authorizations
  2. Identify yourself in the Authorisation service
  3. Select whether you are acting on behalf of yourself or a company
  4. Depending on your situation, you can grant authorisation to private individuals or companies or request authorisation
  5. The authorisation for handling unemployment insurance contributions is found under the theme “Maintaining information on unemployment insurance contributions”.

Municipalities, parishes, education institutions, business partnerships, foreign companies, estates, associations not registered in the Trade Register and persons authorised to sign for public authorities must first apply for the right to grant authorisation in the Suomi.fi Mandate service provided by officials. After this, it is possible for these entities to grant authorisation in the Suomi.fi service as instructed above. See here for more about the Mandate service provided by officials.